Television is a constantly evolving machine. From a very passive medium it changed into medium engaging its audience and giving them the freedom to choose the programs they watch. In the seventies Raymond Williams, after extensive analysis of television programming, discovered that that every single item or unit of content was linked to the other units and that all units together form a certain flow that draws its viewers into it and triggers them to continue watching . In this reality the viewer was only a passive receiver of pre-chosen entertainment. It gave the television executives and producers the power to shape viewers perspective of culture and society. With the invention of remote control and others technologies that allowed to control the TV programming (ex. on-demand) the continuous flow of content was disrupted. Audience gain power to make their own choices regarding viewing experience and behavior. The change that technologies imposed on classical notion of flow “signals a shift away from the programming-based notion of flow that Williams documented to a viewer-centered notion ”.
What seems like giving power and voice to the audience isn’t entirely correct. While it is harder to pull viewers into the stream it doesn’t change the fact that the ultimate goal is “to keep viewers engaged with a single network’s proprietary, ad-sponsored
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Women are often portrayed as nurturing, gentle, cooperative, concerned with appearance, and sensitive to others; while men are viewed as logical, competitive, independent, assertive, financial providers, skilled in business and dominant over women . Women are displayed as likeable, warm, submissive , but also passive and weak , while men are seen as hard workers, amusing , directive and physically aggressive. Women are also more likely than men to display empathic behaviors such as affection, sharing, giving, and concern for others