Flowers For Algernon Research Paper

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Charlie would’ve been better off without the Surgery to Increase his intelligence. In my opinion, I ruminate that Charlie would’ve been fortunate without the surgery. I say this because the surgery helped him get smarter, but it didn’t last long, and when his time was up, He got dumber than he was in the first place. Charlie was only worried about him getting smarter, he didn’t think about the final outcome. Therefore, he would’ve been vigorous without the surgery.
The surgery could’ve caused Charlie to eventually die. It suggested that Charlie dies at the end of the short story “Flowers for Algernon”, as he is following the same process as Algernon (The Mouse). After his motor activity slows and loses coordination, Algernon dies. Charlie realizes the idea that intelligence that is increased artificially slows down at a rate that is proportional to the increase. As Charlie intelligence improved rapidly, he will inevitably lose intelligence quickly. So toward the end of the story “Flowers for Algernon”, Charlie Is Showing all the signs of decline that Algernon the …show more content…

After his surgery, He notice his “Friends” (Joe and Frank) were really making fun of him instead of being a real friend. He starts to Notice when Joe tries to make a fool of Charlie by getting him to use the machinery to make the dough. The surgery also caused Charlie to have lot of Anxiety. He never knew why they make such a fuss about a girl and why they always wanted to talk to her (before the surgery he rather play ball or something else). The other boy was obsessed with the girl and so was Charlie. He wanted to be like the other boys. So Charlie went to go shoot his shot. He was afraid they she would turn him down. He begins to realize that he can get rejected. This is what caused him anxiety. Charlie is still in the adolescent state, however, when he gets too close to A Women, it sets of Anxiety, Panic, or