
Foil Characters In Romeo And Juliet

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In this essay, I'll discuss the foil characters Capulet and Friar Lawrence from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Foil characters are two characters that contrast one another. Friar Lawrence and Capulet are both characters in this play that foil each other. Friar Lawrence is not a part of the Montague household or the Capulet household, he serves as a priest/doctor. Capulet is the head of the Capulet household as well as Juliet's father. They both play significant roles in Juliet's life but very differently, because they are complete opposites of each other. Their interactions with Juliet reveal this. In contrast to Capulet, who rarely speaks to Juliet, the Friar counsels her frequently. Capulet is in a feud with the Montague household but the Friar just wants the feud to end. Whereas Friar is helpful and courteous, Capulet is bossy and controlling. These are the reasons why they are foil characters to one other. The first thing that sets Friar Lawrence and Capulet apart from one another is that while Friar counsels Juliet, Capulet hardly ever talks to her unless he needs something. For instance these two quotes are both when …show more content…

Whereas the Friar only wants the feud to end, which is the second reason that sets them apart from one another. “Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. Do with their death bury their parents' strife.” (prologue,13 ). This quote from the prologue is illustrating the feud between the two families. “Do with their death bury their parents stride” This specific line is talking about Juliet's and Romeo's parents Capulet and Montagues' feud. “For this alliance may so happy prove To turn your household’s rancour to pure love.” (2,3,50) This quotation comes from the friar, who states his hope that Juliet and Romeo's marriage will put a stop to their families'

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