
Food Court History

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I have been to H-Mart many times when I was 10 years-old but I never actually ate in the food court before. For a history project, I wished to know what the food court at H-Mart tasted like and explore the rest of the store in the process. When I went to the H-mart, I was joined by Christian, Garrett, and Tyra for the project as well. During my time in the H-mart, I learned more about the different food cultures offered in the food court, the variety of Asian products sold for Southeast Asians, and the varying sections of the store that sell clothing, beauty products, and ceramics that include tea pots, plates, cups, and pans.
Going to H-mart on Ogden Ave. felt quite different especially because I purchased a meal from one of the 5 restaurants offered at the food court. In …show more content…

Some of these vegetables you cannot simply find in an American store such as Meijer; however, the H-mart does sell some American goods to accommodate people who are not Asian. For snacks, there is a whole aisle dedicated to Asian snacks from Vietnam, Japan, Korea, and China. Some include shrimp flavored chips, very good chocolate lava cakes (), and … I felt that I was bombarded with snacks in the H-Mart. For other foods, such as live fish, they do have them like the American stores but they offer different animals such as crayfish, crabs, and the usual fish such as salmons. For a store, it was very large Asian market in comparison to the Meijer near my house on Weber Road. Another observation to be made about the H-mart is that the companies that manufacturers of these goods are either spelled in different languagaes or sound different in comparison to normal U.S. manufactuers. For example, the companies, Dungshu, and Ham Yang, have the distinct sound of being

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