Food Waste Research Paper

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The U.S. food supply is the most varied and abundant in the world. In 1994, the food supply provided an estimated 3,800 calories per person per day which enough to supply every American with more than one and a half times of their average daily energy needs. Therefore, few of the Nation’s resources have traditionally been devoted to measuring or reducing food waste. There are two types of food waste, not recoverable for human consumption and recoverable for human consumption. The examples of not recoverable for human consumption are livestock condemned at slaughter because of disease, spoiled perishable food like meat, dairy and prepared items. Besides that, the examples of recoverable for human consumption are edible crops remaining in farmers’ fields after harvest, surplus perishable food from restaurants, cafeterias and grocery stores and packaged foods from grocery stores which …show more content…

Food waste is very useful and it can create another new value in industrial raw material or in other food product. For example, the vegetables oil and animals fats can use to made biodiesel. Apple peels are used to made vinegar and the others food waste can use to feed the livestock. Similarly, the introduction of frozen concentrated orange juice has reduced marketing losses for fresh fruit by enabling processors to use bruised or blemished fruit for juice and the non-juice portions for cattle feed. Besides that, food waste can also be blended with other organic compounds, such as newspaper, and composted. The resulting organic material could be developed into a soil-conditioning product. Moreover, food marketing system also conducted a research to reduce the food waste problems. The research is being conducted on converting food waste into a biodegradable film similar to that used for plastic trash bags. The goal is to develop an organic film that would decompose rapidly and could be used in lawn waste composting