Pure Food And Drug Act Of 1906

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Food Safety In today’s society we have progressed tremendously when it comes to safety in the food industry. We are no longer in the times where food places are allowed to serve food in filthy conditions. There are a large number of acts that have been passed in order to ensure the wellbeing of the public. Some of the stepping stone acts being the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. These acts regulated the cleanliness that the meatpacking and regulating how food produced and labeled. (Cherny) Since this time there are countless acts that have been passed that are similar to these, yet foodborne illness is still a significant issue in the United States. Foodborne illnesses occur when a person eats something that was contaminated …show more content…

Before an employee even begins officially working at a food place, they need to have a paid training and testing. In order to make sure all employees have a food handler’s license, an employee should not even be allowed to work until they are able to inquire one. However, many facilities already require a food handler’s license, but majority of the time a person will just forget whatever it is just learned or do not attempt to apply into their workplace. There should be a hands on test of a worker showing they are able to properly follow the guidelines taught when receiving certification. It should not just be enough to show the certification since that does not mean anything if they cannot implement their knowledge in real life. When there is an error done in the workplace, managers need to not be afraid of being the bad guy. There needs to be repercussions, since food handling should not be taken lightly. Improper food handling can mess up the well-being of an innocent person. At times, some companies even just give a pamphlet since it is required to give some type of knowledge. The issue with this is many can just toss the pamphlet or maybe the worker may not be able to understand it. There are a lot of workers who are not originally from the United States who may not know English. Therefore, what purpose does a pamphlet they cannot understand serve? There needs to be a proper visual lesson and translation to accommodate all types of workers in order to guarantee the same level of proper knowledge within the workplace. This method may seem costly to the employers, if they do not find it completely necessary. However, undeniably people are getting ill due to the lack of proper food handling. These employers should spend all the necessary needs to complete a proper training, since there should be no price on the health of a person. Even though it is