Food Security In The United States Essay

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Food security in the United states is falling behind which is concerning considering we are a leading country . The food that we eat has major impact on our health. Leading causes of death in the United states is cancer and Diseases like heart disease,stroke,and obesity. The government can play a role in decreasing health issues from food by regulating the food industry. This can be done by requiring the food industry to label their products more accurately, and by providing subsidies for healthy foods.

The alarmingly high rates of cancer and diseases in the United States is a result of the lack of food regulation. For instance, “the United States places in the top 5 in the global chart for the most cancer rates in the world” (worldpopulationreview). Also, “ the. U.S. places top 3 for the most diseases”(Global citizen). This is Comparable to their …show more content…

This would allow consumers to make more informed choices about the foods that they eat. Currently, food labels are not always accurate. For example, some food labels may claim that a food is low fat when it is actually high in calories. This causes consumers to make unhealthy choices. The government could require food companies to label their products with more accurate information about the nutritional facts of their products. This would allow consumers to make more informed choices about the foods that they eat. Data is everyones favorite, considering a study by the Center for Science in the Public Interest found that “More than half of food labels are misleading.”( center for science) The study found that many food labels make claims that are not supported by the evidence. For example, some food labels claim that a food is healthy when it is actually high in sugar or fat. Its unargualble that food labels are