Food Waste In America Essay

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In this paper, I would like to talk about food waste. Why most American waste food. It is important for us not to waste food. Food waste is something that affects us all and new environment. It happens anywhere around us food has a presence; the grocery store, restaurants, at schools, in our homes on farms, in production and even in transportation. It affects people everywhere. Also, there are many ways that we can reduce food waste. Food waste in America has reached a whole new level and at this point, reading the statistics boggles the mind. The reason why we waste a lot of food. The verity is that as much as 40% of all the food produced in the United States never gets eaten. Americans throw away $165 billion worth of food every year… About 20 pounds per person every month. Americans throw away lot of foods every year to fill 730 football stadiums. The number of food we throw out has increased by about 50% since the 1970’s. In our family house we waste between 15 and 20 percent of the food we buy. Also, because we can afford to, Americans spend less groceries than anyone else in the world, some people say they’re are too busy to change and we are not very self-aware. Americans think they waste less than their neighbors, we are confused by date labels, but dates generally refer to quality not to …show more content…

Simple things can reduce food waste, we can buy less, which also saves money, we can store food so it it's last longer and use what we already have. Before grocery shopping, think about the meals you plan to make, the ingredients you'll need to buy and what you already have in your kitchen Organize your fridge and pantry with older foods in the front, newer in the back and Learn how donating food can help your community (and earn you a tax break). Donate the foods what you won’t use. Will not going to eat that can of beans? Donate it to a food kitchen before it expires so it can be eaten by someone who needs it. Help one and each