Footloose The Movie Compare And Contrast

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A successful film requires a certain formula or combination of events. Depending on what your end desire is, the formula can change. If you want a thrill you would require explosions, fast cars and fight scenes. A good scary movie would require haunting music, night scenes and maybe some gore. If you are in the mood for a feel good flick you’d like to see a range of emotion, upbeat music and a happy ending. The movie Footloose has all of those things and also teaches us that being new doesn’t mean you have to be an outsider; in the end that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. The movie Footloose from 1984 was based loosely on events that took place in a small religious town in Oklahoma. Music and dancing were banned after a group of teenagers crossed county lines to drink and …show more content…

There is emotion, upbeat music and ultimately a happy ending. The bonus is the contagious dancing scenes that make you want to get up and join in. There is a scene where Ren is letting off steam in an abandon warehouse by dancing and showing off some impressive gymnastic skills. You can feel his energy through the screen. In another favorite scene Ren is teaching his uncoordinated friend Willard how to dance. Ren enlists the help of his youngster cousins and has Willard incorporate dance into his farm chores. Though the two friends are very different, they bond when Ren becomes the teacher and Willard the student. The movie Footloose ends with the teenagers working around the red tape of the town and holding their dance across county lines, split by railroad tracks. Ren doesn’t get the ban on dancing lifted, but he opens the dialogue between sides which creates an understanding and mutual respect. He receives permission from the Preacher to take his daughter Ariel to the dance and their relationship is given the stamp of approval. Ren started school that year as a misunderstood outsider, but he ended up a