If we look back thirty years ago, we will ask our self how we ever made it in forensic science investigations without the new technology we have today. I guess forensic science use what they had and made it work for the investigation purposes. According to (Warrington, 2007) Polaroid pictures were used in order to have them instant. Today you can use your cell phone to take instant pictures and video. Video are more used today, many police encounter has been video by individuals by just using their cell phone. The first real case involving a video was the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles, California, when a civilian video the police beating Rodney King. This was the biggest controversial case of our time. Los Angeles has lost over 5 million dollars in damages to the building, store front, and vehicles. It was one of the city biggest riot which last about 4 days.
So much has changed over the past 50 years, with crime scene investigation, just technology itself has changed. For instance, back then cell phones, digital cameras, camcorders, fingerprints, personal computers, laptops, AFIS and DNA capability. It’s a wonder how we were able to solve any crimes back then. More so, all those essential technology didn’t exist. Also superglue fumes are an essential to
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Computer is also used to stored thing and important information’s. When we had the PC and its arrangement of existing projects, officers' employments in a flash turned out to be much less demanding. Today, the proof room is electronic, making it simple to track things for the court. Officers spare time by finishing their wrongdoing scene reports and structures on their PCs. They can likewise rapidly and effectively exchange wrongdoing scene computerized pictures and recordings to their PCs and after that make complex PowerPoint presentations (Warrington,