Foreshadowing And Suspense In 'Eveline' By James Joyce

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Finally, foreshadowing creates that suspense many readers like to see in short stories and helps the audience understand the sequence of the upcoming events. In “Eveline”, Joyce mentions, the tragic demise that Eveline’s “mother was dead”. Even her mother was paralyzed with the lack of emotional intimacy that Eveline deeply longed (Joyce 22). In the same way, the audience is aware of the progressive narrative of Eveline story to the ‘what if’ scenario of the young adult girl growing old in “The Dead” in Aunt Julie. According to Joyce, “[Gabriel] would be sitting in that same drawing-room, dressed in black, his silk hat on his knees. . . [Aunt] Julia had died” (Joyce 145). Most importantly, in “Eveline”, her story begins with a death of