Character Analysis of Forrest Gump

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Forrest is also a sympathetic man, especially when he became a father. He notices his disability and is aware of his own limitations, he knew that his son would be much smarter than he does, but he still tries his best to support his son, such as trying his best to read story books (e.g. Curious George) to his son. American people at that time are often prejudiced, especially at the race perspective. However, Forrest is not prejudiced and judgment, he sees people regardless of their gender, race, age, and religion. This is demonstrated in the movie through his relationship with Jenny, he always accepts her for whom she is, he sees past the predicaments Jenny is in, for example when Jenny was singing in a club naked. Similarly, even after Lieutenant …show more content…

It is only when we have such simplicity, then we can see the pretty things in life and feel free to do chase our dream and do things we want simply because we want to. For Forrest, at the time where he became rich from his shrimping business, he could have focus and work hard on earning even more money, but instead he left his shrimping business to Lieutenant Dan and go to cut grass without needing to get pay simply because he enjoy doing it, bringing himself self-satisfaction. Forrest’s simplicity in a way made his life easier, when we are all analyzing the pros and cons of an action, Forrest just gets on with it, with merely any hesitation, for example, Forrest’s great run across America. Forrest takes a run across the country several times in a span of three years "for no particular reason." When there are reporters asking him “Why are you running? Are you doing this for world peace? For the homeless? Are you running for women's rights? The environment? Why are you doing this?” He replies, “I just felt like running.” Forrest is not doing it for a particular reason, and this illustrates the American Dream as something that allows the people to do what they want, and it is not necessary to always have a reason