Foster Care System Essay

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There has been a lot of change in the foster care system with the help of laws, government and social organizations support. They changed the financial, emotional, economic situations in the foster care system.According to “Foster care Background and History” a website by Findlaw tells us the the method of foster care has been around since long ago and in U.S the foster care has gone through a lot of hardships and changes overtime. Findlaw says that the foster care system has been around since “ Torah and Bible” Widows that lived in the Christian church took care of orphans and were paid by the Christian church to take care of them. Also, according to the “Quran” they had the same system of widows taking care of children under law. Since biblical …show more content…

In the U.S there were “English poor laws” and “exploitation” in the system according to findlaw. During the 1500’s the foster care system had some big similarities and differences from then and now. During the 1500’s the U.S system placed children into foster home due to the corruption of putting kids into “indentured services” . Kids in indentured services exposed to exploitation. But before indentured services the kids use to be in almshouses which were houses built by charity and organization that allowed poor people to live in too besides the kids. During these times kids were placed in home due to death of guardian and abusive home situations but was legal in these times. Now kids are in foster homes mostly due to the fact that parents abused their children or aren't economically stable. In 1853 the “Brace’s system” was made due to immigrant children in N.Y were sent to farms across the country .Some of these children sent were treated like slaves, worked many hours, and beaten. Brace system allowed children who were abused and abandoned to enter a foster care system. During these times there was no organization that helped children who were beaten and mistreated in their foster homes. Early 1900’s organizations began to pay foster parents and inspect foster