Interparental Child Abuse

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In the United States, about one in six children between the ages of three and seventeen have one or more developmental disabilities. With such a high rate one must wonder what causes these problems to happen to so many children. The point of this paper is to show how things children go through at home affect the way they develop. From looking at where a child lives, their parents, and whether they have experienced abuse, it is clear that a child's home life can affect their development in many ways. There are four types of development, physical, cognitive, emotional, and social. Physical development is the growth of gross and fine motor, skills. Gross motor skills are walking, running, throwing, and crawling. Fine motor skills are writing, …show more content…

What a child sees can affect them in many ways. Exposure to interparental violence has been associated with the tendencies to worry in children. Consequently, children's anxiety is also affected by interparental violence and conflict. Additionally, interparental violence has been, linked to both internalizing and externalizing problems(Kelley 1025). Internalizing problems are negative behaviors and low self-esteem. Externalizing problems are disobeying rules, physical aggression, and threatening others. As a result of constant interparental violence, a child's coping ability may be, depleted, which, can result in physiological problems(Kelley 1025) And over time, the more these children are exposed to this violence, their ability to regulate feelings of, fear and worry, is weakened causing them to be, more vulnerable to internalizing problems. However, the children who are better able to maintain these feelings are more likely to experience internalizing problems(Kelley 1026). Witnessing parental violence affects a child's …show more content…

It isn't always easy to notice emotional abuse because there are not any physical signs as there are in physical abuse. But, like physical abuse, hyperactivity, depression, and PTSD is seen, in emotional abuse. But there are other consequences of emotional abuse, as well. And even though it's hard to determine a direct cause and effect, of abuse, these are some of the most seen, consequences for children who have reported being emotional abuse. Some of these consequences include insecurities, suicidal behaviors, self-harm, distorted view of self, and impaired social development(Frederico 346). Emotional abuse can easily go undetected, but it still has very harmful effects on child