Founding Brothers The Revelatory Generation Summary

760 Words4 Pages

Brandon O’Kane
History -201
28 November 2017
Mr. John Zugarek

The Pulitzer prize winning book for history “Founding Brothers the Revelatory generation” written by Joseph J. Ellis. This is a non-fictional informative on the founding brothers who were select and key members of the founding fathers of the United States. Published in 2000 by Vintage Books A division of Random House, Inc. New York. The book was organized into seven different based on the event taking place. Within all these events there is one community to create a organized America. This book is comprised of many well-known popular historical figures such as Abigail Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, George Washington, Aaron Burr, and Alexander Hamilton. Along with many …show more content…

Across this river they arrived at a meeting spot near Weehawken, Jersey. This spot is where infamous shots run out from the pistols in their hands. These pistols were choosing by Hamilton, these pistols belonged to his brother in law, these pistols were also used in a dual in which his son was killed Hamilton was wounded causing his to pass away the fallowing day, as Burr was unharmed in the battle but fought to try to regain his political standing in the eyes of the American people. Within this chapter the author shows how broken and disconnected even the political figures in this country were. This painted a very well picture of this day in American history and created a …show more content…

This is meant to show the silence of the united states government. The question came out shortly after the dinner party discussed within the last chapter. Petitions were started in all major cites in the northern states to terminate the slave trade with Africa. Even Benjamin franklin signed his name to a petition in Pennsylvania to stop the slave trade he felt that the slave trade was unacceptable and inhumane. One major supporter of the slave trade was a man from Georgia whom used bible verses to support slavery. Whereas Thomas Jefferson’s ideology on the slave trade was freedom for all men which caused him to should suggest a plan that all slaves born after 1800 to be set free. Within this chapter came a strong resolution to an strong issue within Americas