Transactional Leadership Essay

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Transactional leadership. Transactional leadership is described as managerial leadership because it emphasizes the supervisory role, as well as the organization and group’s performance (Odumeru & Ifeanyi, 2013). Transactional leadership is also described as an exchange of the leader’s interest and followers’ expectations involving commitment, respect, and trust (Paracha, Qamar, Mirza, Hassan, & Waqas, 2012). Transactional leadership has been defined as a leader creating clear structures and rewards employees will receive for following orders (Ruggieri & Scaffidi Abbate, 2013). Transactional leadership, however, was described as persuading and influencing followers by setting targets and promising rewards for preferred performance (Stoffers & Mordant-Dols, 2015).
Transactional leadership, therefore, encourages specific performance and behaviors by making rewards contingent on delivering as per the …show more content…

Charm or guidance means exhibiting behavior that causes followers to identify, admire, and trust (Odumeru & Ideanyi, 2013; Stoffers & Mordant-Dols, 2015). Inspirational motivation is the level to which a leader articulates a clear vision that inspires, captivates, and appeals to followers concerning future goals (Odumeru & Ideanyi, 2013; Stoffers & Mordant-Dols, 2015). Intellectual stimulation means leaders challenge assumptions and stimulate or encourage employee innovation (Stoffers & Mordant-Dols, 2015). Followers receive a framework to connect to the leader, organization, and colleagues and goals to creatively overcome challenges (Stoffers & Mordant-Dols, 2015). Lastly, personal and individual attention refers to is the way in which a leader mentors or coaches a follower, appreciating the contribution given by providing support, advice, and encouragement (Odumeru & Ideanyi, 2013; Stoffers & Mordant-Dols,