
Sir Richard Branson's Effect On Organizational And Transformational Leadership

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“The study of history has been a study of leaders – what they did and why they did it” (Bass, 2008: 4). New contemporary styles of leadership have emerged that arguably are more successful in the long term (Dawson & Andriopoulos, 2014). This report critically evaluates different styles of leadership to determine if a transformational style will have a more decisive effect on employee motivation and organisational culture culminating in long term prosperity of the business.
Fresh perspectives to leadership are required if organisations are to be successful in times of change while at the same time increasing employee morale (Conger, 1999). Studies done by Burns (1978) differentiates between transactional leaders and transformational leaders. Bass (1985) reasons that transformational leadership comprises of four factors: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration.
Sir Richard Branson chairman and founder of the Virgin Group (Branson, 2007) is frequently described as a transformational leader. Branson is known for his charisma and leading by example both characteristics of idealised influence. To promote Virgin Cola he drove a tank into Times Square to represent the start of a war with Pepsi and Coca Cola (Kotler et al, 2012), What makes Branson exceptional is that he still finds time to give back, idealised influence reflects the extent to which the leader chooses to do the right thing rather than what is
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