Frank O 'Hara's Poem I Love You Get Up'

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After re-reading Frank O’Hara’s “Poem” I noticed in my opinion the narrator in the poem is up and down about how they feel about Lana Turner collapsing in lines (14-16) “I have never been to lots of parties / and acted perfectly disgraceful / but I never actually collapsed” here Its almost as though the narrator is making fun of her in a way and being nonchalant about the headline but then again in the poem it does give some signs of sincerity “ oh Lana Turner we love you get up” (line 17) you can tell that the narrator is a fan of Lana and probably is deeply worried about her collapse. Also the narrator seems to be biased on some facts “there is no snow in Hollywood / there is no rain in California” (Line 12-13), I saw a deeper meaning in