Hello Day Worldwide Poem Analysis

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The poem Hello Day worldwide by Kobina Eyi Acquah discusses the theme of disapproval towards the materialistic world, and furthermore the people’s attitudes that has to be dealt with. From the title of the poem, it can be seen that the poet wants a more open world, where communities are more open and materialism is diminished. With the use of strong literary techniques Acquah expresses his feelings towards the societies, and also explores the aspect of greeting in two different societies. In addition, Acquah has also used the poems structure to his full advantage, and discussed these different perspectives. The poem starts off with an unpleasant theme of deterioration of human and society connection and finally ends with his own solutions to the materialistic world.

In the first stanza the poet begins by talking about aspects “in their town”. Here, Acquah has already created a distant relationship with the people and their society as he refers to it as “their”. The theme of a materialistic world is further …show more content…

This can be seen when Acquah reiterates, “so if a day must be declared…then let it be”. This is reminiscent of the Word Hello Day, and that this should be the characteristic of a society. Just like in the second stanza, Acquah uses diction to shoe a sense of obligation rather then willingness. This can be seen through the word “must”. Further on in the poem, there is a sematic field of barriers. This can be seen through the words “windows and gates…fences walls…borders and ports’. By using this Acquah is suggesting that all of this must be eliminated and all barriers between individuals must be removed, to create a “hello day-worldwide”. This want of “hello day” is further strengthened when the poet mentions “a momentarily flash”, not only does this suggest that Acquah can now introduce “hello day” by the society will follow it willingly, rather than done out of