Frank Ocean Research Paper

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Frank Ocean is a true rockstar of today. Embarking his career in the early two thousands, he started off as a ghostwriter for many popular artists like Beyonce and other rap groups. Once releasing his extremely popular mixtape in 2011, Nostalgia Ultra, he became an instant success. Speaking on his own his own struggles, being a bisexual black male, he somehow made the music relatable to every listener. If you’re white, heterosexual, rich, or poor, Ocean found a way to make his music common to every audience.

His contemporary music combines both pop and nostalgic r&b seamlessly into number one hits. Christopher Edwin Breaux being his real name, the change to Frank Ocean came from his love of the 1960’s film, Oceans 11, starring Frank Sinatra, …show more content…

His music is filled to the brim with samples of early 2000’s music, use of noise, and old sound bits to add a nostalgic effect into this music. For me, the music provides a sense of reliability. It reminds me of past summers, driving with friends, lost loves, and an emotional understanding of what goes on within a teenagers life. His music has storytelling capabilities that I have yet to find within another artist. Frank stated in a recent interview with GQ “As a writer, as a creator, I am giving you my experiences”. His little to no social media presence helps with this, we only know him from his music, this forces the audience to focus on what he's putting out to the public specifically within his music and no other sources. Without publicity making political statements, Frank is capable of making introspective observations within his music that are just as powerful. His lack of social media has helped with his image, little to no controversy has come up with his name. The only time he made the news in a negative light is when Ocean sampled music from The Eagles “Hotel California” without their consent. Ocean claimed the Eagles threatened to sue if he chose to perform the song live. Nothing else has come of the situation in current