Frankenstein Act 2 Passage Analysis Essay

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In two different passages throughout the story offers different animations that allows Shelley’s concern for man’s lustful pursuit of knowledge. The first passage allows the audience to get an insight of the creation of the monster and thought process with Victor. On the other hand, the second passage allows a viewpoint from the monster when he exposes himself to the DeLacy family. “I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet” (55). This shows Victor’s feelings to the creature that he say instruments that it does not matter that the limbs once was an actual person. Victor seems as if he wants to things his way and get out of his placement on certain things. In this instance, the audience interprets that he is trying to play the role as God in which he succeeded at. “I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and …show more content…

While being shunned by society, this family was his last hope in humanity. The old blind man was the actual person the created talked to while he could not see anything so therefore he had to get to know him internally. After a mishap with the family mistaken the created as a literal monster and that he was going to harm the blind man. After his rejection with them, his last faith was lost, and the monster swears to revenge himself against all human beings. His creator was his main focus and target. The scene with William is also the most shocking. During this scene, the monster runs across William in the woods where he mentions his father is Frankenstein. The monster becomes furious since he erupts in a rage of vengeance and strangles the boy to death with his bare hands. The monster later takes the locket that William was wearing. However, the monster takes the locket and puts it my