Frankenstein And Paracelsus Comparison

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Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim, commonly known as Paracelsus, live from 1493 to 1541. He was a physician and alchemist who believed in many controversial things. This made him a prime source for Mary Shelley’s best novel Frankenstein. Like Victor in Frankenstein, Paracelsus’s mother died while he was a very young child. They also had an affinity for alchemy. Victor often studied the works of Paracelsus and learned from him the fine arts of alchemy. The two also believed that they were above all other scientists. Victor felt entitled to the title because he had created a living human being. Paracelsus believed that he was the best so much that he is named after his expertise. His adopted name “Paracelsus” means “above