Frankenstein Nature Vs Nurture

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The idea of whether the genetic makeup of a human or the circumstance in which they were brought into affects how they are has been a topic of discussion for as long as psychologists can remember. One may research for days, months, even years, and never truly find the real answer to the age old question. There is an abundance of evidence that supports both sides, only making it harder for experts to understand or even begin to form an answer. What we do know is that it may vary from person to person. In no way are we able to, at least not now, generalize the origin of the behavior of our society. The only stance that we have the right to take at this point is one of a neutral side. Whether or not behavior is based off of nature, or based off of nurture, varies from situation to situation and is based off of the choices in which we make. …show more content…

The words of the Frankenstein’s creature show the position of a once innocent being, who was turned by society to a new position of hate. The creature was brought into an evil world that turned him cold. He wanted to love, he wanted to be loved, he wanted to be kind to others. He was denied of all of it. When he tried to show that he just wanted to be of help, he was rejected by society. It came to a point where he could no longer stand being the outcast. He accepted himself for what he truly was and decided to wreak havoc and take revenge on the people that took his innocence from him. He set out to take the lives of the people who mattered most to his creator who wanted nothing to do with him. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a story about how society is responsible for the monsters in the world. People aren’t born evil, but are rather directed towards that path by the evils of