Who Is Victor Frankenstein Nature Or Nurture Essay

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What exactly determines human nature? Is it how we were raised in the environment that surrounds us, or does our DNA dictate it the second we are born? Nature vs nurture is the idea of a person’s actions or motives being dictated by either their childhood or past experiences (nurture), vs. actual genetics that they are born with. For example, a person who was raised in an abusive environment and treated poorly may be more susceptible to committing violent crimes or violence in general. This timeless topic has been debated forever, with evidence throughout history. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley depicts examples of both throughout the unprecedented “mad scientist” sci-fi written in 1816. In this fiction novel, the main character, Victor Frankenstein, …show more content…

Our scientist also had the opportunity to care for and support the life that he brought back from the dead. Now, this is not the only example of the negative treatment that the monster has been through that determines his motives. While this is the most significant, it is only the beginning of issues that influenced bringing the creature to this savage state of living. While debating what made the monster do the horrible things it did, although no better than Victor, the way the creature was treated also affects his mental status. This mistreatment may be the root of his deadly actions. The author uses emotional appeal to manipulate the audience to feel sympathy for the undeserving creature. Today mental health is a big issue because it could be the root of the feeling of acting upon such powerful emotions. The creature was called an “ogre”(Shelley 103) even after doing such a deed as saving a drowning girl's life. The sympathy that the author tries to bestow upon us for the monster can be seen here and is unfortunate. His first instinct was to help people who had done nothing but bad to