Frankenstein Women's Role In Society

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You’re insignificant to society. You have no role to in your country! Your weak and fragile to many people’s eyes. You're completely controlled by the men's in your life. First, by your fathers, brothers and male relatives and finally by your husbands. Your sole purpose in life is to find a husband, reproduce and then spend the rest of their lives serving him. Once you're married off all your assets belong to your husband. If you do decide to remain single, you would be ridiculed and pitied by your community. Thus the only thing you can be is a housewife and serve your family. On the bright side you are higher than a peasant, but are lower a man. You have to be supported by husband. You are in the early 1800s. The description above was …show more content…

Though these women aren't significantly develop in the novel and ending in death, these women all have fixed in roles in the book, they all expected to at least one of the following: a wife, a mother, and /or a daughter. Mary Shelley moved the female characters away from the killing stereotypes but to a more of “angelistic” figure.Caroline Beaufort, Victor’s mother, fulfils the roles of daughter, wife,and mother, and does it with an angelic grace. Caroline role in the novel shows a stereotypical role of a women in the early 19th century. Elizabeth is referred to as a kind of daughter to the Frankensteins and on several occasions as a sister/ cousin to Victor. She portrayed as an object in the book since she given to Victor as present. Throughout the book Elizabeth’s angelic beauty and motion was emphasis.This shows what women only possess at that time-obedience and ambiguous manner. Justine is a servant who was mistreated by her biological mother. She portrayed as a women status in society as Mary describes her as housework as a domesticated, virtuous, passive and devoted to othersand person but sadly she potrayed petty character which emphasis the tragedy of women in