Franz Ferdinand's Influence On The Modern World

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On July twenty-eighth, 1914, an assassin's bullet would plunge the world into some of the greatest conflicts. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand would light a flame that would lead to the biggest boom in history. What looked to be another European war, would end up dragging the world into disarray. From these ashes, the modern world formed. From July twenty eighth, 1914, to September second, 1945, humans experienced the most influential period because of the inventions, modernization and the influence it has on today’s society. War will drive people to do unspeakable things and in combat each side’s plan was to destroy and adapt to new fighting techniques. In the “The Great War,” many lives were lost and empires collapse. Russia for example transformed into the Soviet Union. Two months post the armistice, Ireland became its own republic. The Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires collapsed during this time. With the fall of the Ottoman, “national boundaries of much of today’s Middle East – Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia – were drawn after WWI by British and French diplomats.”(Noah). This “war to end all wars” developed destructive weapons such as planes, tanks, and poison gases. Militaries started using planes for bombing and gathering information. Armies also developed and deployed …show more content…

However, in the late spring of 1945, the U.S.A. needed a way to defeat its enemy without losing any U.S. lives. Scientists had been gathering information since 1939, “to exploit the newly recognized fission process for military purposes.” They would create The Manhattan Project in years to come. After three years of brilliant work, the project result was a bomb, equivalent to 12,000 tons of TNT.(Manhattan Project)Ending the greatest conflict in history, the atomic bomb would change the world. Today, atoms provide us with electricity, while years ago, people of the world's most powerful nations feared

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