Frederick Douglass Research Paper

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Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass used a wide variety of talents to express his righteous point of view on slavery. He fought battles to further the progress of a politician during, before and after the civil war (Douglass and Baker). By the end of the civil war he had not only brought together a large crowd to push more freedoms for black americans. “Raising strong children is easier than fixing broken men”, was one of frederick douglass most impacting quote to push for non segregated education(Scruggs). American Author Frederick Douglass, known for his work during the civil war, was a political speaker during the civil war. Frederick Douglass had been born in February in 1818, so when he was of the prime age of forty seven, leaving …show more content…

Douglass barely saw hi smother outside from when she was working and he did not even know his father. With his mother and father being absent he had to rely on himself most of his life as he was growing up (Reed). When he was eight he had been moved to another plantation, one that his masters relatives owned. There he bagun a secretive education with the masters wife, who had been forced to stop shortly after the master had found out convincing her to stop teaching douglass how to read. Even with his short education with the masters wife he was able to learn enough of the basics to teach himself how to read, write and speak properly. Douglass would sneak any kind of written publication he could get ahold of and read it aloud to himself in the dark night of a barn, being most of what he was able to read was the bible, showing his deep biblical connection to his speeches in his life (Sharpton). Douglass would take any chance to escape and free himself in any way, he fought to free himself but failed when his friend he brought with him had turned him in. Douglass was publicly flogged then left fainted on the plantation for an example. His wounds resulted in lasting injuries from improper care and rough cloth shirts he had to wear to work(Douglass and Baker). The year was eighteen thirty eight, he had just acquired papers from a black sailor, he did not the measurements on the paper, bud he dressed up as one to convince slave hunters. After his full escape he hid away at new Bedford, Massachusetts to avoid capture he had dropped his two middle names and changed his last name to Douglass. With Douglass' arrival to Bedforth, he could not get any educational required jobs, because of the racist colleagues who