Free Argumentative Essays: What Is Social Darwinism?

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Social Darwinism. What is Social Darwinism really? Social Darwinism is basically the survival of the fittest. The holocaust was a tragic decimation which resulted in some people not being able to ever trust again. Before they went into the Jewish Hostage takeover the people were normal and true to themselves, but during in the middle of the takeover when they were at camp all that were on their minds is how am I going to get out of here and have myself. Most of the people their in the camps were thinking about themselves and that’s not wrong. It 's normal to think about your needs at a tragic time like that, but soon it drive people to the point of risking other people 's lives to save their own. You should never try to kill or risk someone else 's life if they are healthy enough to live just to save your skin, because it shows how much humanity has been stripped from the hostages from this cataclysm. What is life to people? How precious is it to them? How far are they willing to go for life? Life is in a way and existence of one’s soul pertaining to that person’s purpose. People value life because it brings meaning to their existence and it also has enjoyable things like, family vacations, playing basketball, playing video games, etc. In “Night” they are going so …show more content…

While relying is good and bad at different times you should never underestimate or overestimate your ability to do things on your own. In “Night” The Blockalteste said “Listen to me, kid. Don’t forget that you are in a concentration camp. In this place, it is every man for himself, and you cannot think of others” This represent the meaning of survival of the fittest. You must survive on your own without help or trust so you can get out of it alive. If I were put in that situation honestly I would give up on my father considering that he is going to die soon and I much rather one die than two, but after it would be over, my mind would never forget what I did and it will be etched into my memory until