
Free Oklahoma City Badger Essays: The Story Of Charles Jackson

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The Story of Charles Jackson Charles Jackson was part of one of the only black families in the small town of Stillwater, Oklahoma. Charles was a big fan of baseball as a kid. He grew up watching Babe Ruth and the 1936 Yankees win back to back to back to back World Series. His father used to bring him to the local baseball stadium where they would watch the Oklahoma City Badgers. There was always some sort of problem between his father and the whites, but he always told Charles that it was nothing and that he should never listen to what they say. As Charles grew older he began to see what his father was talking about. Everywhere he went, he would get heckled by the white people always calling him names and abusing him, but despite all this Charles worked hard to follow his dream and managed to make the Oklahoma City …show more content…

Everyone in the stands started booing and heckling him as he ran onto the field. Charles knew that this may be his only chance to prove himself. As the pitch comes to the plate, Jackson takes off for second base and takes a big lunge and slides across the ground. As the dust begins to clear, we hear the umpire yell; “Safe!” Everyone in the stadium was in awe as they never seen a man ran that fast. The pitcher begins his delivery to the plate once again as Jackson takes off to third base. This time Charles got in there with no problem, he ran so fast no one even had a chance to throw the ball. As everyone was wondering how a man like that can run so fast, no one called timeout. This gave Charles the opportunity to catch the opposing team napping. He began to slowly walk towards home plate as the pitcher has his back turned towards him. Charles then begins to sprint like a madman down the baseline where he dives safely into home plate. Charles was amazed as the people in the stadium started to clap and cheer for him. “Charles… Nice work!” Coach Danielson said with a big smile on his

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