
Free Will In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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What Must be Shall be Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the things you always wanted but in the worst outcome. And that is exactly what happened to Romeo and Juliet, they wanted to be with each other so badly and fate brought them together but with the worst outcome, you ever could think of. All the obstacles they jumped through just for fate to end their love story like that. This is why I’ve accepted what my fate will be because I cannot change anything and I wouldn’t like to change anything. Because what is destined to be is meant to be, that is why I will love the people with whom fate brings me, even with all the obstacles. And that is why Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet for people to accept their fates and appreciate …show more content…

For example when Romeo said, ‘’As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine; And all combined save what thou must combine By holy marriage. When and where and how We met, we wooed, and made exchange of vow, I'll tell thee as we pass; but this I pray: That thou consent to marry us today.’’(Shakespeare 2.3.58-64) This evidence demonstrates that Romeo is trying to find someone to marry them without their families finding out. Because they're so in love they won’t wait any longer without being married to each other. This just shows that they want to be together so badly that they will find someone to marry them in secret. This sustains that Romeo and Juliet had to go through challenges to be able to be together without anyone intervening in their …show more content…

And would do anything for that person's happiness and theirs. Juliet proves my claim by stating, ’’ God knows when we shall meet again. I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins. That almost freezes up the heat of life…. What if this mixture do not work at all? Shall I be married then tomorrow morning?’’(Shakespeare 4.3.14-21) Juliet wanted so badly not to get married to Paris and be with her only true love Romeo. This drove her to take a pill not knowing what it would do to her, just with the word of Frair that she would be able to see Romeo again. This reveals that when fate binds two people together they would take drastic measures just to be with the person they

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