
Free Will Research Paper

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The world is advancing so rapidly in knowledge, thus making the word of God of no effect. Human traditions, ungodly cultures and science have dominated our world and poison the sweetness of living; and these acts had made God of no importance in the lives of so many. Looking into this deeply, we shall discover that the state and position of the world today, is though nothing new compare to what the word of God spoke about some centuries ago concerning this age we are. (Matthew 24; 1 Timothy 4:1) By knowledge the world is fashioned.

Man is the image and likeness of God, so to live like God and display His unique abilities we possessed, in other to prove the reality of His existence. Man also have the free will to determine his ways as far …show more content…

When a man knows what is right and refuse to comply, definately, the end will speak. Is deadly, is painful, is harmful: But if you might not know, all that is needed to be done, is to humble yourself in the hands of the almighty God the begining and the ending of life to guide you through. Matthew 7:7 says “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and door will be opened to you.” If Adam and Eve didn’t eat of the forbidden fruit, the world wouldn’t have been in great pains today, and there wouldn’t be any need for sacrifice. If the Israelites had not disobeyed God, they wouldn't had spent forty years in the wilderness instead of forty days. I came to discover that the greatest problem of man by myself assesment, is not the devil, neither anybody, but imbalance of character, which of cause, a good percentage of the people of God are also trapped in but fail to admit to this fact; rather shifting blames here and there until the devil end up wasting our …show more content…

The need to over-throw others to take their position or looking down on yourself (under valuation of self) when God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made is character failure. Being dominated by the cultures and traditions of this world or thinking that your race or colour is better of than mine, when we are all created in the uniqueness of God to beautify our world, be a blessing to one another and live as one happy people, is character failure.

Refusal to take correction and say no to self or thinking that God is of no importance as a result of your acquired intelligence is character failure. Inventing all forms of devilish act due to the satisfaction of life and unforgiving spirit is character failure. Bitterness, hatred, back-biting, jealousy is character failure. Looking down on others, being disrespectful and arrogant is character failure. Cheating on your partner and committing of abortion is character failure. Concluding matters that you have no idea about is a character

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