Freedom Of Religion In The United States

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Have you ever thought about life without religious freedom? Our freedom of religion is something many people look past and don't think about. Yet, it is one of the greatest privileges we have! In today's world, religion shows up everywhere like our government, community, and family life.

In our government religion is separated in different ways. Religion and state are supposed to be separate from each other. However, they seem to join each other quite often. For example, during the wars and troubled times that our military gets into, we are almost always asked to pray about it. In most countries you couldn't pray about it because they outlaw all religion, but in the US we have the freedom to do just that. It is important to all of us that we pray for guidance in our government, so we may continue to live in peace.

Through the first amendment, we have the right to freedom of speech and religion. Being able to freely talk about our religion with others is very important. As we go out into the community, we tend to use our religious customs more than what you might think. Without thinking about …show more content…

If someone happened to notice you praying before you eat, they might have to stop and think about their customs. This simple act that is important to you, could help convert them to be a Catholic. You can also bring your religious freedom into your family life. Being able to pray with your family is great. This will help bring you closer as a family. You can also pray by yourself. Taking a few minutes to talk to God can really make a difference in your day. He will reassure you all is well, and he will remind you that he is always there to help you through the tough times. As a family joined in religion, you can attend church together or participate in a fun bible study! If you form a strong base as a family, then it will be easier for you to accomplish harder tasks that are sent your