Vietnamese Loan Loanwords

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Loanwords from French. In the end of 18th century and the early of 19th century, because of French colonialization, Vietnamese lexicon was had a noticeable effects. There are a number of French words that is used related in clothing, food, household goods, ... and especially in education. In that decade, French education system was affected greatly some parts of Vietnam. Vietnamese were taught to spell the alphabet in French way, like : [bê] instead of [bờ] for “b”, [cê] instead of [cờ] for “c”… A lot of French loanwords were adapted by changing form of morpheme and phonology into Vietnamese (Alves, 2009, p.629). Below are some examples of French loanwords :
Clothing : ba-đờ-xuy (pardessus), áo bờ lu (blouse), gi-lê (gilet), găng (gant), khăn …show more content…

Vietnamese Institute of Linguistics (2006) have collected over 3.000 foreign loanwords from English. English is considered as the world language, and, is one of the main subjects at school. More and more english schools are founded. More and more Vietnamese people is using Internet to access foreign media. That leads to the tendency of using more and more English loanwords today. Like French, English is used in many aspects. For instance :
Sport : gôn (golf), sút (shoot), ten-nít (tennis), gôn (goal), …
Music : pốp (pop), nhạc jazz (jazz), nhạc rốc (rock), …
Entertainment : ti vi (TV), cờ-lip (clip), sô (show), in-tơ-nét (internet), oẳn tù tì (one two