Sigmund Freud's Model Of Mental Functioning

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11. Freud’s model of mental functioning. The idea of forces in conflict within an individual elicits thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Using my previous dynamic discussion above combined with the underlying premise of the ABC model of self-talk, where repeated thoughts become one’s beliefs that create emotions and behaviors (Burton & Raedeke, 2008), then it seems that what information one places in their minds has strength and power over their entire thought life. Therefore, when guiding a client through the process of psychotherapy, it’s important to emphasize the importance of being aware of what one consumes with their mind (i.e., what one watches on TV, what one reads, and what one listens to). Soviet psychology embraced the concept …show more content…

Relationship driven therapy. Yalom believed therapy should not be theory driven (i.e., effective therapy should never try to force discussion) but be relationship driven. This is at the heart of positive psychology (to include sport and performance psychology). Psychotherapy is at root an interpersonal relationship (Prochaska & Norcross, 2014). I seek to understand engagement, openness, and egalitarianism (i.e., all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities) so that I can have effective relationships with my clients. “Psychotherapy is, first and foremost, a human relationship” (p. …show more content…

Debilitating test anxiety. The nervous and unconfident feeling that over consumes a test taker resulting in a state where it is impossible to focus, comprehend, process, and respond with the correct answer despite the knowledge being readily available in the student’s mind. The tension in the mind constricts and chokes the right thoughts from being expressed. The knowledge is there (e.g., because the student has put forth great effort to study for the test), but trapped. Both systematic desensitization or dynamic desensitization therapies have been shown to be effective with no differences noted in terms of immediate effectiveness (p. 426). I continue below with more details as I discuss both of the desensitization therapies. Throughout my life, I have had issues with standardized tests. However, my work ethic and growth-mindset have allowed me to overcome. For example, I did not score well on the SAT and ACT, yet I graduated college at a major university with high honors. I scored terribly on the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, but my Air Force ROTC commander disregarded the scores since he knew my work ethic. I graduated at the top of my pilot training class where many students were graduates of prestigious universities to include the Air Force Academy. Therefore, I understand this anxiety, but no one ever provided me any tools to overcome (e.g., no one discussed deep relaxation breathing or imagery as a means to counter this anxiety). I just figured it