Friar Laurence In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Ante Vukic James Madison Assignment 2 The play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the theme of the play is romantic love. The secondary character I’ve picked is Friar Laurence, he affected the play when both Romeo and Juliet killed themselves at the ending of the play. Supporting reason number one; Friar Laurence makes Juliet drink a fake death potion. Supporting reason number two; agreeing to marry the couple in secret. Reason number one Friar Laurence changed the outcome of the play by, make Juliet a fake death potion. The problem with this idea is the hypocrisy, acts of hypocrisy are more likely to cause more damage then acts of simplicity. One line proving that Friar Laurence act of hypocrisy failed, the quote “A greater