Friar Lawrence Responsible For The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was one of many factors. Friar Laurence's impulsive action and risky plan lead to the tragedy. The story of Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, a pair of star-crossed lovers who are forbidden to be, with the rivalry of both their houses holding them back the story goes on with the two lovers trying to be together the tragedy comes at the hands of their mentors the Friar. Friar Laurence is most to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet due to marrying Romeo & Juliet, faking Juliet's “death”, and not telling the truth about Romeo and Juliet. When Friar Laurence married Romeo and Juliet, it was a huge factor in the death of the two lovers. The reason Friar Laurence married the two was solely to end the feud; he shows his intentions when Romeo and Juliet are getting married when he says “To turn your household rancor to pure love.” (2.3.92). His words show that the whole marriage was just an attempt by him to end the feud between the two families. It shows a level of selfishness. Friar Laurence learns about the feud between the Capulet and Montague. He knows how important the two were, how much they despised each other and …show more content…

Friar Laurence when being told of the news of Juliet marrying Paris Friar Laurence tells Juliet “I do spy a kind of hope, which craves as desperate an execution as that is desperate which we would prevent.” (4.1.68). This plan was merely based on the hope of the Friar and Juliet. He didn’t decide to think it out with Juliet. It was a plan purely based on Juliet herself because Frair Laurence just gave Juliet a potion and hoped for her to do it right so everything could go to plan. A factor he should have also considered was Romeo’s impulsivity Friar Laurence has seen how fast Romeo will act on his emotions, jumping from idea to action, and how his heart changes this disregard for planning could have come a long way towards the plan's