
Examples Of Friar Lawrence In Romeo And Juliet

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Friar Laurence, making poor decisions, is largely responsible for the two star crossed lovers written by William Shakespeare in “Romeo and Juliet”. With great support of their secret love, he didn’t make rational decisions that could have improved the secrecy of their relationship. He hoped his decisions could make the greater good. By believing he could solve years-long of two royal families fighting just by marrying Romeo and Juliet is not logical. His intentions were good and no one may have had the same plan as him, but there were missteps, he overlooked. The missteps he overlooked all resulted in a misfortune that could not have been solved. Romeo and Juliet’s marriage caused deaths, the banishment of Romeo, and more angrier blames between the two families. Tragic events including deaths and banishment were commenced by Friar Laurence who accepted and purposed Romeo and Juliet’s marriage. …show more content…

Though originally, he was hesitant in marrying them, he still did out of the hopes of an outcome to reunite the two royal families. He explains, “These violent delights have violent ends/And in their triumph die like fire and powder” (2.6.9-10). Though with the warnings he gives, he was so focused on the greater outcome rather than the dangers. He accepts saying, “In one respect, I’ll thy assistant be; for this alliance may so happy prove/To turn your households rancor to pure love” (2.4.90-92). Friar Laurence should have protected the damage that was may to come in the

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