Romeo and Juliet: Friar Lawrence is the villain of the play. In Shakespeare Friar Lawrence is known as the priest who eventually is responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet. Then some people may assume that he is the bad guy, the villain for marrying them from the begging, and later on complicating everything and causing several deaths. Now we know that this is false, and that he might have made some mistakes but then again he is only a human being. Friar Lawrence is an intelligent, well respected, religious figure, and a role model to others. Apart from that he has come up with incredibly helpful, and intelligent advice. Friar Lawrence isn’t a villain, he is a saint that is try his best to help as many people that come, and he is determined to help others. Not because it’s his job as a saint, but because he cares and he wants other people to live happy. Some people have assumed that he is a villain due to the fact that he gave Juliet the vail, and hoped that she wouldn’t die, although that this is partly true we cannot forget the fact that he did it for Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence wouldn’t kill someone to dodge responsibility, that not only will go against his job as a priest but also against religion, because it says do not kill/murder. Being a priest doesn’t spot Friar Lawrence from helping his close friend, the …show more content…
He just wanted to helped and show a leadership role. He once again had good intentions, the problem is that he didn’t plan out everything. He tried to help that already means that he cannot be a villain. Another example to the Friars good intentions is 5.2.63-67. Here we see that Friar Lawrence had a great plan and it almost worked out, until Friar Johan wasn’t able to deliver the letters. Which isn’t the Friars fault, and then later on we see he is trying to come in contact with Romeo to make sure the knows the