
Friar Lawrence To Blame In The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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As humans, we all play a game, especially as small children. This game is the blame game, in the story The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet there are multiple characters you could potentially blame for the death of all the characters that died. I blame Juliet, she is one person from the story I wish would have just made some better decisions and the outcome could have been so much different for every character that died. There are multiple examples of why things could have been totally different if Juliet had just been not such an idiot. She makes a series of bad decisions that force all the characters in the story to wallow in depression about all of the unfortunate events. She was also dumb because she could have simply told the truth to her parents …show more content…

Friar Lawrence is a prime example of just one of these characters. People may argue that he is the one that kept Romeo and Juliet's marriage a secret from the two families. This statement is wrong because if the couple wanted to tell their Parents about the marriage, they easily could have the secrecy part was not the Friars fault he simply was just doing his job. You could also argue that the Friar was responsible for delivering the letter to Romeo in Mantua telling him that his wife was not actually dead it was a fake and to come get her. Yes, it was the friars fault for not delivering the letter himself, no it is not his fault that the letter did not get delivered. Friar John was held up by a plague, it's not the Friars fault that there was a plague it is not something that he could have prevented. Therefore the non delivery of the letter was not the Friars fault because you can’t stop the disease, at least not in the 1300s. There is yet another argument that you could make to blame the Friar for what happened, the fact that he married Romeo and Juliet a day after they had just met. When in reality he was just trying to do the right thing and embrace true love. He is a Priest therefore he looks to embrace love and things that go along with it. Again he wasn't trying to set them up for failure, in fact, he tried to help Juliet by giving her the vial of potion so that she could be with Romeo. But Juliet was dumb enough to take the vile and commit suicide at the end. Therefore it is not the Friars doing that, but both both Romeo and Juliet under, it was

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