Friendship In A Complex Society Essay

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The Similarity in a Complex Society: Friendship

In a world where our cultures vary so greatly from country to country, sometimes it’s hard to see what unites us all. While our human nature to be conscious of our moral civility is one thing, our capability to have strong, faithful, and long-lasting friendships with one another is one of our most amazing similarities. We let friends come so close to us and have such a large impact on us, but we should be asking ourselves what friendship really means and if the bonds that we have with people are truly having a good effect on us. A true friendship should be with someone who isn’t just there for you when it’s convenient, but also when it’s not. Three of the most important aspects of a good friendship are being honest and trustworthy, accentuating each other’s positive qualities, and not being afraid to talk about what’s real and truly important. …show more content…

Finding a friend and being the friend that highlights your friend’s good characteristics is very important if you want to have a healthy friendship. Instead of encouraging your friends to live out their bad qualities, put emphasis on their good ones, and your friends will become better people in the long run. For example, if your friend is really good at a particular sport or hobby, you could help them plan a way to teach or help other people with mastering whatever it is that your friend is good at. Doing things like this will encourage your friends creative, positive side rather than their wild, uncontrollable side. If you are the friend that is pulling out the side of your friend that wants to rebel and did devious things, you are not having a healthy friendship with that friend, and you should find some other group of friends to hang around. Basically, make sure that you are accentuating your friend’s positive qualities, and that they are accentuating your positive