Fro From An Arab Point Of View Summary

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After taking this class I started looking at children and young adult’s literature in a different way, especially books that talked about Muslims/ Arabs and are written by non-Arabs. I learned to look at the book in a different perspective, not only in the way the author describes the Arabs but also how they are showed in pictures.
I remember when I used to read a book and write a respond about it most of my response are positive and how much the author did a great job writing the book and showing the image of the Muslims and the Arabs but the next day when I go to class and discus how the author presented the Arabs my entire opinion will change. I remembered one of the books, I think it was The Day of Ahmad’s Secret, my respond to the book was really good and I thought the author was doing a great job by showing others who Arabs live and I liked it because it reminded me of some part of my country and my childhood but I never saw how bad the author was showing Arabs until we discuss the book in class. …show more content…

Most of the western will think that, because of what they read from books that are written by non-Arabs. This class helped me see how to look at books in different view, especially from the book that I pick for my term paper. If we did not talk about other books and how the author was presenting the Arabs I was not going to be able to see that stereotypes in the book I was going to write about especially when the books are for young