Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Case Study

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FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NUCLEAR DISASTER KARTHIK C 2016B3A10374H INTRODUCTION On 11th March 2011, following a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Tohoku, a tsunami led to, supposedly, the worst energy accident since the Chernobyl disaster. Fukushima Daiichi nuclear …show more content…

These failures resulted majorly from the challenging operating environments throughout the plant, after the Tsunami. • The fact that the roles and responsibilities within the onsite emergency response center and between the onsite and headquarters’ emergency response centers were unclear, may have contributed to the delays in the response from the officials. • Losing almost all the onsite AC/DC power at the plant, with the consequent loss of the real-time information to monitor some critical thermodynamic aspects of the reactors, containments and spent fuel pools significantly narrowed the ways to respond to the accident. • Flooding of the equipment and the absence of power generation caused the first three units to isolate from their heat sink, the Pacific Ocean, which led to overheating for a period of time, which eventually led to melt-down. • Although IAEA warned the plant of Japan’s proneness to Earthquakes of severe magnitude and the aftermath of these earthquakes, the plant officials did not take proper