Summary: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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A company called the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) are constantly researching and updating their safety precautions and regulations. All of these precautions are to make sure that no human, or environmental harm will occur. This also makes it more difficult to try and work at a plant or to become a plant supervisor. There are only around 100 people who are licensed to run Water and Boiling Power Reactors, which make up almost twenty percent of the U.S energy consumption rate. To become a licensed operator you have to take specific exams for specific positions in the field that include a written exam, an operations test, and relicensing exams. They also have examination and training programs for people wanting to move up. If you want a …show more content…

The waste contains poisonous elements such as plutonium. Low level waste is when the item used as fuel is contaminated or becomes radioactive. Also when material would be exposed to neutron radiation. High Level waste is the byproduct left inside the reactor after the nuclear reactions occur. This byproduct is more radioactive and takes longer to dispose of. The low level waste gets put into a system of containers underground where the waste will sit until non-radioactive. To get rid of high level waste you have to decontaminate it until it reaches low level of radiation. Then start the same system as the low level until the byproduct is finally at a neutral state. This system is done by the NRC and the Department of Energy. Nuclear waste has to be handled carefully or it could be harmful. Since the Energy Policy Act of 2005 the NCR manages material security through Federal Office, State Materials, and Environmental Management Programs (FSME), and the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR). This helps make sure that no harm will happen to the environment around the waste product site and the NCR or Department of Energy will know what is being built around the area as …show more content…

There are a couple of factors that lead to women and men having different views on nuclear energy. Socialization and gender roles both lead to the different views. Women and men are socialized differently. Growing up women are steered away from science and technology compared to men (Gender Roles). The professor in the document refers to this as feminine values hypothesis (Gender roles). Women being brought up are supposed to be more caring, emotional, and attentive to living things. Boys are brought up to be competitive and aggressive. With this, women as adults would weigh the consequences on the environmental impact nuclear energy has compared to men, thus opposing it. The gender roles men and women have affect their view towards nuclear energy as well. Women have more reproductive roles and familial roles that incline them to look after children’s safety against nuclear energy. There was a survey done on men and women about nuclear energy. The men and women each had the same survey and the women were also broken into two groups based on if they had children or no children. The experiment was to see whether or not women opposed nuclear power as compared to men. There were then six hypothesis’s that were thought of and tested with the survey. Each hypothesis was confirmed by the survey when it was all done. The study found that twenty-two percent of women who lived with children opposed nuclear power as compared to