Functions Of The Hebrew Trumpet

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There are three words in Hebrew that is rendered trumpet that were used by the Levitical priests.
1. Yowbel - The word trumpet appears is in Exodus 19:13. The Hebrew name is ‘yowbel’, which is interpreted as a ram’s horn and was used on special occasions. The horn is an emblem of anointing, power, strength, dominion, glory and fierceness. The yowbel is a picture of our salvation and the horn of salvation applies to Christ who is our ‘strong Saviour’ (Lk 1:69). It denotes prosperity and triumph (Psa 89:17)

2. Showphar - The first time this word appears is in Exodus 19:16. This word is both the same in English and Hebrew. It is literally a ram’s horn and is rendered in the King James Version of the Bible as trumpet (68 times) and cornet (4 times). Its root word is ‘shaphar’, which means to be pleasing, to be beautiful, be bright or glisten and is mentioned only once in Psalm 16:6. Finally, it was used in spiritual warfare (Zech. 9:14-15).

3. Chatsotserah – This word is rendered solely as trumpet 29 times in the King James Version of the Bible. The initial two functions of the trumpets were the calling of assembly (the 'tekiah ') and the breaking of camp (the 'teruah '). The tekiah is a short blast of a single, silver trumpet used to call the community to assemble with Moses at the entrance to the Dwelling. The teruah is a series of rapid, staccato blasts to signal the families that surrounded the Tabernacle compound to move out (Num 10:5, 6). They were made of

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