Fundamental Principles Of American Democracy Essay

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As a democracy, American government and society is organized around a series of fundamental principles and values. The Declaration of Independence establishes some of these principles, including the idea of equality for all individuals, regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status. It equally establishes the idea of sovereignty, which dictates that the ultimate source of power in government is the will of the people (The Declaration of Independence: Full Text). To reinforce these principles, other ideals exist in the Constitution of the United States, and they include limited government, representative democracy, and the protection of individual rights and freedoms (Hamilton et al.). These values and principles guide America’s democracy …show more content…

It is established in the Constitution of the United States, and its presence serves to protect citizens from oppressive rule by limiting the power of those in office. Just like in any democracy, the principle of a limited government is reinforced in the United States through the structure of the government, which is comprised of the executive, legislature, and judiciary (“The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription”). These three branches provide a check and balance system, ensuring that no one branch can become too powerful and dominate the others. As a result, the citizens of the United States are provided with an effective safeguard against tyranny, as those in power are unable to exercise complete control over their fellow citizens.
The principle of representation is also essential to American democracy. In the American system, citizens are represented by elected officials in both the state and federal governments. Through this system, citizens are provided with an avenue to express their opinion and vote for the officials that best reflect their beliefs (“Constitution of the United States, “art .1, sec .2). The principle of representation is an extension of that of sovereignty. It actualizes the idea that people are the source of all power and can thus freely express themselves by choosing their