G I Bill Of Rights Essay

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Men and Women serving in the Military has helped them start life all over again. Soldiers can get up to $66K a year and that is including the schooling if they choose to go. If the veteran does decide to go to school, then the G.I. Bill of Rights pays for the whole tuition and also gives you an allowance of $1000 a year for books and supplies. The housing is paid base on your active duty service and credit loan. The G. I. Bill of Rights was started during World War II to help soldiers get a fresh start, the bill is still an ongoing process for veterans today to start over.
What everyday life is like before the war and before the benefits from the G.I. Bill. The life before the war could range from going to work in fast food and factory or growing up and working on farms. Allan Howerton was one of …show more content…

Bill part of the benefits are “Education, training, and loan guarantees for a home, farm or business. (“G.I. Bill of Rights”, 2018). If the soldiers were unemployed they could get paid $20 per week for up to fifty-two weeks (“G.I. Bill of Rights”, 2018). These benefits help make sure that the soldiers did not come back from war homeless or have anything left. Military people get special benefits for battling in war around World War II.
The women couldn't join the army so they couldn't get the benefits that the G.I. Bill provided. Josette was one of the women who wanted to go to war but couldn’t (Humes, 2006). Josette’s dad signed all the papers for her to go fight and she earned the benefits from the G.I. Bill (Humes, 1944). I think that women should have options to join the army if they want too. Women can join the army and get the benefits like anyone else.
Equal rights for G.I. Bill only certain races got to use the benefits that the G.I. Bill provided. Only one fifth of 100,000 blacks had got to actually use the benefits (“G.I. Bill”, 2018). The banks also refused to give loans to blacks, making G.I. Bill even less effective