Should Military Members Be Paid More Essay

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Do you believe military members should be paid more? Imagine yourself in warzone mostly every day, risking your life, and always having the chance of not making it home to your family. That is what our military does. For what these military members do everyday they should be paid more for several reasons such as, that most of the homeless today are retired veterans, they risk their life everyday to protect our country, and their benefits are not enough. The pay for veterans depends on your rank and the branch of military you are enlisted in. Also, when you enlist that first year you will make less than military members who have been in the profession for 10 years. According to Charpentier, “As of January 2017, the salary for enlisted personnel in pay grade E-1 is $1,599.90 per month, or $19,198.80 per year”( This quote shows how much the first enlisted military member makes. In addition, Charpentier states, ”The pay grades are the same for each service, although the insignia and ranks differ”( Now let’s get into our reasoning for why military members should be paid more. To start off, most of the homeless today are retired military veterans. There are many homeless veterans on the streets today all throughout the United States. …show more content…

The military does compensate with education, and does give them money for housing but those are only the two main benefits of being in the military. In addition, the money for the housing is nowhere near enough to pay for a house. As of Military Benefits at a Glance they say, “The estimated average regular military compensation: unmarried-$43,155.44, married with two kids-$47,530.44”( This quote clearly shows that the compensation the military does for their personnel can only help them with limited supplies and necessities in life to support them and their