Galileo Galilei Perseverance

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Galileo Galilei, sometimes called the “father of observational astronomy, modern physics, and science,” was a very influential person in astrologic history due to his strong belief in the heliocentric system. He, and many others before him, believed that the Sun did not revolve around the Earth, but the Earth revolved around the Sun. Like many other believers of the Copernican theory, Galileo’s main opposer was the Catholic Church. They had a firm belief that the Sun and Moon revolved around the Earth, and looked down upon anyone who thought otherwise. Galileo Galilei would not be fazed, and his perseverance would change history into what we know it as today. As you can see, Galileo Galilei was a very influential person in his time. His perseverance changed the way many astronomers viewed our solar system. His studies have been acknowledged by many famous scientists over the centuries, such as Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein. Without his hard work and dedication, it would have been almost impossible to prove the Copernican theory. …show more content…

He discovered that Venus goes through a sequence of phases much like the ones of our Moon. This showed that the sun must be at the center of our solar system. He published his discovery in his book, Starry Messenger in 1610. This gained some controversy within the Church, and in 1616, they banned all heliocentric books. Galileo was forced to recant his theory, and was prohibited to teach, hold, or even defend heliocentrism. He would not be discouraged, however, because in 1632 he published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. It was incredibly successful, but word reached the Catholic church quickly. He was tried for heresy, and in 1633 was placed under house arrest until his death in 1642 at the age of 77. Galileo Galilei’s legacy has been passed on to this day, and his persistence changed history