
Galileo Accomplishments

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Galileo was a theorist Astronomer who had a difficult time with a Catholic church and his theory about the planets, but also developed and improved the refracting telescope (Jr.). To be an Astronomer, Galileo has to be discerning or wisest of his decisions throughout his life.
On one hand, society all over the world know Galileo for his accomplishments but not how it started, “You cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover within themselves.” ("Galilei Galileo."). Galileo was born in He was born in February 15, 1564 in Pisa, Italy (Findlen). His father was a famous musician. (Jr.) Has six brothers and sisters, he was the oldest or the first of the children. As Galileo grew up, his father wanted to teach him music so, he got …show more content…

(Jr.). Galileo is motionless stairs, he could struggle to get up the stairs and move forward, or he can take the easy route down. As many people know, Galileo is a thinker so he thinks about his actions, but he can also struggle about his esteem (Jr.). In his early days in life Galileo’s dad, Vincenzo Galilei, wanted him to have an occupation of a doctor (Jr.). Galileo didn’t want to become a doctor simply because he preferred mathematics more than a medical standpoint (Jr.). However, when he was in college, he couldn’t complete his degree because he didn’t have enough funds to be able to go to school college so he dropped out (Findlen). The most effective and most known conflict in Galileo’s life is with the Catholic Church (Findlen). This encounter was circling around the town of Pisa, and everyone had known this conflict (Findlen). When Galileo was in Pisa, Galileo showed that not all moving bodies in the universe revolved around Earth. While there was some support even among Church authorities for Galileo's proof of this theory called the Copernican Theory (Findlen). In 1616, an order was issued by the Church declaring the Copernican system "false and erroneous," and Galileo were instructed not to support this system (Findlen). Years passed and the church still believed in their announcement since, but it wasn’t until Galileo died that the church realized their mistake with Galileo and …show more content…

Not to mention Galileo’s conflicts that made a crack in his bridge, he has been a great contribute to society. Galileo discovered the law of falling bodies as well as the law of the pendulum. In 1593, Galileo invented one of the first measuring devices to be used in science: the thermometer (Findlen). This invention helps society by using this instrument to predict the weather, and measure the temperature outside and inside (Findlen). Using his developments with the telescope, he used the telescope, Galileo discovered the mountains on the moon, the spots on the sun, and four moons of Jupiter ("Galilei Galileo."). As well as Galileo discovered this, Galileo named the moons of Jupiter Sierra Medical ("Medicine stars") in honor of Cosmo de Medici (1519-1574), the Grand Duke of Tuscany, in Galileo's time this observation was revolutionary ("Galilei Galileo."). Also in 1610, he observed that the planet Venus had light and dark phases like the Moon. The position of the spots changed from day to day, allowing Galileo to determine the rate at which the Sun rotated on its axis ("Galilei Galileo."). While he was friends with Kepler, Galileo refused to believe Kepler’s theory that the moon caused the tides, instead believing it was due to the nature of the Earth’s rotation (Findlen). Even though he resisted during these

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