Game Based Therapy Essay

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The authors of the article “A Motion-Sensing Game-Based Therapy to Foster the Learning of Children with Sensory Integration Dysfunction” went about studying the responses of children with SID (Sensory Integration Dysfunction) to digital game therapy. Until this point, the form of therapy that is used to treat children with SID is Sensory Integration Therapy, or SIT, which is a game based therapy that guides children in learning how to make adaptive responses through playing games. The games are based around tactile tools like hammocks, ropes, and balls. Unfortunately, children can become bored with repeated use of the same games and environment, and consequently their focus is lost. In order to remedy this, the authors of this study set out to test Motion-Sensing Digital Game-Based Sensory …show more content…

According to therapists who investigated the game, these aspects would be most effective in treating vestibular system disorder, developmental dyspraxia, and visual perception and auditory-language disorders. Five children who suffer from SID between the ages of 8-11 were chosen to participate in the study, along with their parents. The parents were very involved in the recording of their child’s responses to the therapy, due to the fact that all of the therapy was completed in the home. The children were evaluated monthly and the parent’s data entry was continuously monitored. The results of the the data showed that “The children improved their learning with regard to postural-ocular movement, bilateral integration and sequencing, as well as movement coordination” (Tsung-Yen & Kuo, 2016, p. 12). The MSDG-SIT has shown to be more effective than the traditional SIT because the children were more actively involved in this form of therapy, and it is a very easily accessible tool that parents found to be positive for their children (Tsung-Yen & Kuo,